The Prince Consort's Shoe Shine Service Sydney

Thursday 13 Feb 2025
Always play a clean game!
Shoe Shine Office Visits
StaffHow it works

Our trained staff arrive in the uniform of black trousers, white shirt, smart shoes and red bow tie.  They are equipped with a shoeshine box with footrest attached, so that the customer can have his or her shoes shined at the desk, without any disruption to the working day.  The service takes just 3 to 7 minutes, depending on the shine required.


In some offices the company pays for the service.  The shoe shine person will ask each user to sign a piece of paper so that the sum due at the end is not ambiguous.  In other companies the individual pays for the service.

Tap & Go payments are accepted.

Prices for office visits
Standard Shine
  • Polish
  • Polish
  • Wax/Waterproof
Super Deluxe
  • Moisturising Lotion
  • Polish
  • Wax


I love your Shoe Shine Service. Your staff are always courteous and prompt. All of my staff get their shoes cleaned every Wednesday (and any customers who are in the office as well).  

All the best